Ensure Strata Scheme Management with Strata Committee

Strata is comprised of layers of ownership, and you own a small part. At that point there will be aspects of the property that you own ‘jointly’ with others called common property for example external walls, foyers, driveways. An owners corporation manages the common property and the owners contribute to maintenance via levies.

The strata committee is an elected body that acts as the Owners Corporation’s representative in the real world. They have responsibility regarding the day to day functions of the Owners Corporation. The committee is generally made up of owners but can include company nominees, and other non-owner nominations. Generally, there are 3-5 members but can be up to 9 for larger strata schemes. There are three essential roles, each defined under the strata laws: Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.

A strata manager is an individual contracted as an agent for the Owners Corporation. The Owners Corporation appoints him or her at a General Meeting under an agency agreement that sets out the terms of their authority. Generally, they hold the books and records of the Owners Corporation, organise repairs and maintenance, pay bills, hold meetings and send out the levies. The strata manager must still defer to the strata committee members for many decisions.

Strata Committee meeting is convened by the strata committee to discuss specific items relating to the day-to-day control, management and administration of the Strata Scheme. The Strata Committee is restricted in the decisions it can make. The Strata Committee may make any decision of the Strata Scheme except for decisions that the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (SSMA) says it cannot make. Any substantial issues must be referred to a General Meeting for a decision of the owners corporation where all the owners have the opportunity to delegate and vote on matters.

Members may have a meeting convened by having 25% of the unit entitlements request a meeting to be held. The request for the strata committee meeting must be submitted in writing to the secretary along with any motions or matters of business to be discussed.

So, make day to day decisions for the strata scheme hassle-freely with Strata Committee Meetings.


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